Working Less & Accomplishing More

by | Last updated Jun 22, 2024 | Business


Remember the days when working from home meant feeling like you always had to be plugged in, constantly juggling tasks, and yearning for a life outside your work bubble? We’ve all been there especially during slow periods. But what if I told you working less could actually lead to achieving more?

The key doesn’t lie in the number of hours you work, but the intensity, purpose, and structure behind them. Here’s how to strategically revamp your work approach for ultimate efficiency and growth:

1. Find your “sweet spot”

We all have unique productivity peaks. Analyze your energy levels throughout the day and identify your most productive hours. This “sweet spot” becomes your golden window for tackling high-impact tasks. Schedule demanding projects or demanding client interactions during these times.

This really varies for me. Occasionally I will get up early and tackle the day right away while others I will work in the evening after the gym. I try to be more intentional about it so I’m able to focus effectively.

2. Craft boundaries, embrace balance

Working from home opens the door to countless distractions. To combat this, set clear boundaries for yourself. This might involve:

  • Limiting email checks: Schedule specific times to check and respond to emails throughout the day.
  • Utilizing time blocks: Dedicate specific periods to focus on single tasks, minimizing context switching.
  • Creating a dedicated workspace: Establish a work zone to maintain mental separation from personal life.

Remember, a healthy work-life balance is crucial for sustained productivity. Schedule time for exercise, hobbies, and relaxation to recharge and avoid burnout.

3. The power of “no”

Don’t be afraid to say no to requests that drain your time and energy. Prioritize tasks that align with your core business goals and contribute to your long-term vision.

Instead of accepting every opportunity, focus on saying yes to the right projects that excite you and propel your business forward.

4. Embrace systems and sutomation

Streamline your workflow by utilizing project management tools. These tools help you:

  • Organize projects: Clearly define project details, track progress, and manage different aspects of your work in one place.
  • Automate repetitive tasks: Utilize automation features to schedule routine tasks, freeing up valuable time for strategic endeavors.
  • Collaborate seamlessly: Connect with clients or team members within the platform for efficient communication and task delegation.

5. Delegate and outsource strategically

Don’t hesitate to delegate or outsource tasks that are time-consuming or outside your expertise. This allows you to focus on your strengths and tasks that deliver the highest value to your business and clients.

6. Embrace dedicated days

Once you’ve mastered these strategies, consider exploring the VIP dedicated day model. This approach offers focused, intensive sessions with clients, allowing you to:

  • Deep dive into specific challenges: Dedicate an entire day to address a client’s core needs, leading to impactful solutions.
  • Boost client satisfaction: Focused attention ensures excellent outcomes, fostering long-term client relationships and referrals.
  • Increase revenue in less time: Offer high-value services at a premium, allowing you to double your income while working less.

Remember: Working less isn’t about slacking off. It’s about working smarter and prioritizing intentional effort over mindless hours. By implementing these strategies and exploring the VIP Day model, you can reclaim your time, boost your productivity, and embrace a successful work-from-home experience that allows you to thrive.

Ready to revamp your work life? Start by implementing these tips and if you need help, let’s overhaul your offers together

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you:

1. Authority Builder: Ready to become the go-to expert in your field? We’ll create and distribute engaging content across platforms, manage your social media, and nurture your email list, allowing you to focus on serving clients while we build your online authority.

2. Local Visibility: Want to dominate local search and attract nearby clients? We’ll optimize your online presence, master your Google Business Profile, and implement a local content strategy that establishes you as the premier wellness provider in your community.

3. Growth Accelerator: Need focused guidance on a specific goal? In this one-hour session, we’ll create a 3-step action plan tailored to your chosen marketing objective, with follow-up support to ensure successful implementation.

Written by Rita Suzanne

Rita Suzanne is a marketing strategist for health and wellness professionals with over ten years of experience. A mom of four teenagers. Podcaster, weightlifter, adventurer. Are you ready to grow your business with a balanced approach to marketing that combines local and online visibility? Learn more on how to work with Rita.