3 Email Marketing Mistakes Health & Wellness Pros Make (And How to Fix Them)

Email Marketing Mistakes

by | Last updated Sep 18, 2024 | Marketing

I get it – email marketing can feel like just one more thing on your never-ending to-do list. But here’s the truth: A well-nurtured email list is a health and wellness entrepreneur’s secret weapon for building relationships, boosting sales, and creating a loyal community around your brand.

But even with the best intentions, it’s easy to fall into common email marketing traps. The good news is, these mistakes are easy to fix!

So, grab a cup of herbal tea (or kombucha, I won’t judge!), and let’s spill the beans on 3 common email marketing mistakes we’ve all made at some point (myself included!):

Mistake #1: The Awkward Silence
(aka no welcome sequence)

Imagine walking into a wellness retreat and no one says anything to you. Awkward, right? That’s how your new subscribers feel when they don’t get a warm welcome.

A welcome sequence is like a virtual hug and a friendly introduction. It’s a series of automated emails that say, “Hey there! Welcome to our wellness community. Here’s what we’re all about.”

Oops, did I just confess to making this mistake myself? Busted! I recently turned my welcome automation off because I was updating it, so I’m sure some of you came in without being welcomed…sorry, friend! If you want to go through my new and improved welcome automation to check it out, let me know.

THE FIX: Create a simple 3-5 email welcome series. Share your story, offer a freebie or a juicy resource, and give them a sneak peek of the awesome things you have in store.

Mistake #2: The Ghosting Game
(aka sporadic emails)

Out of sight, out of mind, right? Sporadic emails leave your subscribers wondering if you fell down a rabbit hole of client appointments and paperwork (again).

I get it. Life gets crazy. But consistent emails are like regular check-ins with your favorite wellness coach – they keep the relationship strong and your business top of mind.

THE FIX: Create a realistic email schedule that works for YOU. Batch your content creation, repurpose blog posts into emails, or use a content calendar to plan ahead. Even one email a week can make a big difference.

And a bonus strategy that you might love where you set it and forget it:

  • ​​create an automation of emails based on your content pillar topics
  • ​​write at least 12-15 emails
  • ​​add them to the automation so you send out one a week
  • ​​repeat automation, if needed
  • ​​and you can also add in more emails when you get some time

Mistake #3: The Sneaky Sign-Up
(aka not getting permission)

Adding someone to your email list without their permission is like giving unsolicited health advice. (Nobody likes that!)

THE FIX: Always make sure you have consent before adding someone to your list. Use opt-in forms, checkboxes, or double opt-ins. It might seem like an extra step, but it’s worth it to build a list of subscribers who are genuinely excited to hear from you.

Ready to up your email game?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a quick action plan to get your email marketing back on track, my Growth Accelerator is the perfect solution. We’ll create a personalized roadmap to attract your dream clients and grow your business with ease.

For wellness companies who want to take their content to the next level without the hassle, my Authority Builder service takes charge of your content creation and repurposing, freeing up your time to focus on what you do best – serving your clients.
And if you’re ready to dive deeper into the world of balanced marketing, integrating local and digital strategies for maximum impact, make sure to join the waitlist for my upcoming program, Balanced Marketing. You’ll get exclusive access to trainings, resources, and community support to help you thrive in both the local and digital spheres.


P.S. Feeling overwhelmed by marketing? Not sure where to start or what strategies will actually work for your health and wellness business? Let’s chat! Schedule a free consultation call and let’s explore how we can work together to achieve your marketing goals.

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you:

1. Authority Builder: Ready to become the go-to expert in your field? We’ll create and distribute engaging content across platforms, manage your social media, and nurture your email list, allowing you to focus on serving clients while we build your online authority.

2. Local Visibility: Want to dominate local search and attract nearby clients? We’ll optimize your online presence, master your Google Business Profile, and implement a local content strategy that establishes you as the premier wellness provider in your community.

3. Growth Accelerator: Need focused guidance on a specific goal? In this one-hour session, we’ll create a 3-step action plan tailored to your chosen marketing objective, with follow-up support to ensure successful implementation.

Written by Rita Suzanne

Rita Suzanne is a marketing strategist for health and wellness professionals with over ten years of experience. A mom of four teenagers. Podcaster, weightlifter, adventurer. Are you ready to grow your business with a balanced approach to marketing that combines local and online visibility? Learn more on how to work with Rita.