Creating conversions, value + topics

by | Last updated Feb 25, 2024 | Marketing

I know you probably want to know all of the juicy details about how to make cash on your website – everyone does! But first we need to get really clear on a few things.

Let’s start with conversions and what they are.

In this case, it is simply getting someone to take action by clicking a link, signing up for your list, sharing on social media or buying.

We all want people to buy but it is said that it takes seven interactions with you before someone purchases. This isn’t always the case but a generality based on research.

Either way, you still want to include a link, invite to share or sign up to your list.

How do you get someone to buy? Create something of value that they want. Yes, everyone says that.

Not sure if what you are providing is of value and/or how to offer that value? The absolute most important thing is that your blog speaks to your audience. You should know exactly who your target audience is so you know needs.

You offer marketing. Kristin, your target customer, is a virtual assistant and wants to promote her business. You should write about techniques and tools to help her gain exposure.

First, let’s narrow that down and look at how to research topics. Here are a few of my favorite ways to do that:

Ask your Subscribers

When you get a new subscriber to your list, send them a personal email thanking them then ask them what their biggest challenge is in their business or specific niche you are in. I do not like to automate this if your list is small.

You might also consider creating a survey and asking your readers for feedback. A survey might be easier because they have a list of options so they can pick a few things you can teach instead of vague, generalized answers.

Look at Social

What were your top shares for this past six months? Review your analytics (you can review Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook) to see what is popular and what is not.

If you are getting a lot of engagement (shares, likes, comments) on a particular topic, then your audience wants to hear more from you about it.

But let’s be sure that the engagement is what speaks to your actual potential clients and/or customers.

Review Others

The research phase will be one of the only times you will hear me say you should look at others. The reason is because watching your competition too closely can do two things — cause you to drown in comparison syndrome and result in you not being unique (and standing out).

Find someone who is very similar to you and read their blog comments, watch the questions people ask them, and check out their headlines to see what problem they are solving.

Another option, go to a Facebook group that has your target audience. Look for questions asked related to your business and compile a list.

After you finalize your topics, you can turn those into categories, and finally brainstorm on actual blog posts to write.

I have a bonus for you too. Once you figure out your categories, go to this website, for some content ideas based on what people search in Google and Bing.

Now you should have your topics and categories that really speak to your audience so you can start writing then start sharing so you can start converting!

The number one thing to remember is you are solving a problem. What are the problems not being solved in your niche?

This is part of my brand strategy process. If you need some help tell me a little about your business and grab your spot on my calendar.

Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you:

1. Authority Builder: Ready to become the go-to expert in your field? We’ll create and distribute engaging content across platforms, manage your social media, and nurture your email list, allowing you to focus on serving clients while we build your online authority.

2. Local Visibility: Want to dominate local search and attract nearby clients? We’ll optimize your online presence, master your Google Business Profile, and implement a local content strategy that establishes you as the premier wellness provider in your community.

3. Growth Accelerator: Need focused guidance on a specific goal? In this one-hour session, we’ll create a 3-step action plan tailored to your chosen marketing objective, with follow-up support to ensure successful implementation.

Written by Rita Suzanne

Rita Suzanne is a marketing strategist for health and wellness professionals with over ten years of experience. A mom of four teenagers. Podcaster, weightlifter, adventurer. Are you ready to grow your business with a balanced approach to marketing that combines local and online visibility? Learn more on how to work with Rita.