Why Leads Are the REAL Key to Business Growth (Not Your Fancy New Website)

Leads for Business Growth

by | Last updated Sep 18, 2024 | Marketing

Pull up a yoga mat and let me tell you a little story…

Just last week, I was chatting with a podcast guest who was bubbling over with excitement about her shiny new website. (And let me tell you, it was gorgeous enough to make a web designer weep tears of joy.) She’d also invested in some fancy-pants email marketing software and was spending more time on Instagram than a teenager with a new crush.

But when I asked about her lead generation strategy? Crickets.

“Leads? Oh, I’m not really focused on that right now,” she said. “I just need to get my website and social media sorted out first.”

Oh, if I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that (or said it myself), I’d have enough to buy a lifetime supply of organic green juice!

The “if you build it, they will come” trap

Let me let you in on a little secret: I’ve been there. Done that. Got the “I Survived a Marketing Meltdown” t-shirt.

There was a time when I relied solely on past clients and my referral network. Life was good… until it wasn’t. One day, faster than you can say “Mercury retrograde,” it all dried up.

There I was, staring at an empty calendar, wondering if I should just throw in the towel and become a professional cat cuddler. (Is that a thing? It should be.)

So what did I do?
I wasted precious time revamping my website, thinking it was the magic solution to all my problems.
Spoiler alert: It wasn’t.

The extra hard truth about business growth

Here’s the lesson I learned the hard way, and I’m sharing it with you so you don’t have to:

When you need revenue, you need to focus on leads and ONLY leads.

Think of your business as a thriving garden. (Stay with me here, I promise this isn’t turning into a gardening blog.) Your products or services are the beautiful blooms you’ve carefully cultivated. But what happens if you stop watering those plants? They wilt, wither, and eventually die.

Leads are the lifeblood that nourishes your company, fueling its growth and ensuring its long-term success. They’re the water to your business garden. (See? I told you to stick with it!)

Why leads are the secret sauce to sustainable growth

1. Predictable Income: A consistent flow of leads means a consistent flow of potential clients. It’s like having a crystal ball for your bank account!

2. Growth Engine: New leads open doors to new opportunities. You can expand your services, reach new markets, and scale your business faster than you can say “namaste.”

3. Client Relationships: Leads aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet; they’re real people who could become loyal customers and raving fans of your brand. (And who doesn’t want a cheering section?)

The busy trap: are you really “doing marketing”?

As busy health and wellness pros, you might think you’re marketing when you’re really just… well, busy. We’re all juggling a million things and squeezing in social media posts between client appointments and trying to remember if we actually ate lunch today.

But here’s the million-dollar question: Are those activities actually bringing in a consistent flow of new leads?

The truth is, many of us mistake being busy for effective lead generation. We fall into the trap of focusing on vanity metrics (like follower counts) instead of actions that directly drive potential clients to our doorstep.

3 Simplified Tactics to Start Attracting Leads TODAY

Good news! You don’t need a Ph.D. in marketing or a complex, time-consuming strategy to attract leads. You just need a few simple, actionable tactics that cut through the noise and get results.

  1. Content that Connects: Share valuable tips, insights, or behind-the-scenes glimpses on social media or your blog. This builds trust and positions you as the go-to expert in your field. Example: If you’re a nutritionist, share a quick, healthy recipe on your Instagram stories or write a blog post about “5 Superfoods That’ll Make You Feel Like Wonder Woman (or Superman, we don’t discriminate).”
  2. Network with Purpose: Attend online or in-person events related to your niche. Connect with potential clients, build relationships, and offer your expertise. Example: Join a local health and wellness group or chamber of commerce. Be the person who always has a green smoothie and a smile ready!
  3. Lead Magnet Magic: Create a simple freebie (like a checklist, template, or guide) that solves a specific problem for your ideal client. This is a great way to capture email addresses and nurture leads. Example: If you’re a yoga instructor, offer a free “7-Day Yoga Challenge for People Who Think They’re Too Inflexible for Yoga” guide.

Need a more personalized roadmap?

While these tactics can kickstart your lead generation, a personalized strategy can truly transform your business faster than a 30-day detox. That’s where my Marketing Intensive comes in. We’ll work together to build a plan that works specifically for your business, your schedule, and your goals.

Ready to ditch the lead generation struggle and create a business that thrives on a consistent flow of your ideal clients?

For a limited time, you can book your Marketing Intensive for just $97! That’s less than the cost of that fancy juicer you’ve been eyeing. (And I promise, this will be much more satisfying in the long run.)


Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you:

1. Authority Builder: Ready to become the go-to expert in your field? We’ll create and distribute engaging content across platforms, manage your social media, and nurture your email list, allowing you to focus on serving clients while we build your online authority.

2. Local Visibility: Want to dominate local search and attract nearby clients? We’ll optimize your online presence, master your Google Business Profile, and implement a local content strategy that establishes you as the premier wellness provider in your community.

3. Growth Accelerator: Need focused guidance on a specific goal? In this one-hour session, we’ll create a 3-step action plan tailored to your chosen marketing objective, with follow-up support to ensure successful implementation.

Written by Rita Suzanne

Rita Suzanne is a marketing strategist for health and wellness professionals with over ten years of experience. A mom of four teenagers. Podcaster, weightlifter, adventurer. Are you ready to grow your business with a balanced approach to marketing that combines local and online visibility? Learn more on how to work with Rita.