brand builder

Establish your authority as the go-to wellness expert online

Transform your wellness practice into a digital powerhouse of expertise and influence.

The digital challenges holding your practice back…

Content Creation Overwhelm: You know consistent, high-quality content is key, but producing it regularly feels like an insurmountable task.
Lost in the Online Noise: Your valuable insights are drowning in a sea of digital content, leaving potential clients unaware of your expertise.
Time-Starved and Stressed: Balancing patient care with content creation leaves you exhausted and your online presence neglected.
Ineffective Content Distribution: Your occasional blog posts and social media updates fail to reach and engage your target audience effectively.
Struggle to Showcase Expertise: Despite your knowledge, translating it into authoritative online content that attracts clients remains a challenge.

Instead, envision your practice as a digital authority…

Your website becomes a go-to resource, with blog posts that rank for key wellness terms and attract a steady stream of qualified leads.
Your social media presence amplifies your expertise, fostering engagement and building a community around your holistic approach.
Your email list grows consistently, filled with eager subscribers who value and act on your health insights.
This isn’t just a dream. It’s the power of the Authority Builder package in action.

Your roadmap to online authority –

Let our team handle the content creation and distribution that’s weighing you down. We’ll craft a strategy that amplifies your wellness expertise across all digital channels, establishing you as the undeniable authority in your field.

The Authority Builder package is your blueprint for content-driven authority in the health and wellness space.

Brand Coaching by Rita Suzanne
Here’s how we’ll elevate your online presence:

Step ONE: Content Strategy Session

  • Identify your key content pillars aligned with your wellness expertise
  • Develop a keyword strategy to dominate your niche
  • Create a content calendar that ensures consistent, strategic posting
  • Design a multi-channel distribution plan for maximum impact

Essential Authority | $750 Monthly

Perfect for practices ready to establish a strong foundation.

  • 1 in-depth, SEO-optimized blog post monthly
  • Strategic content distribution across 2 channels
  • Quarterly strategy call to keep you on track
  • Monthly performance reports to guide your growth

Established Expert | $1250 Monthly

For practices ready to amplify their expertise and reach.

  • 2 in-depth, SEO-optimized blog posts monthly
  • Enhanced content distribution across 3-4 channels
  • Bi-weekly email campaigns for deeper engagement
  • Bi-monthly strategy calls for deeper engagement
  • Comprehensive monthly performance reports
  • Basic thought leadership development in your wellness niche

Industry Leader | $2000 Monthly

Dominate your niche and become the undisputed authority.

  • 4 in-depth, SEO-optimized blog posts monthly
  • Comprehensive content distribution across 5+ channels
  • Weekly strategy calls for maximum impact and alignment
  • Advanced performance analytics and ROI tracking
  • Full thought leadership development and opportunities
  • Quarterly authority building workshop

Every Package Includes:

Strategic Content Planning: Align your content with business goals
Multi-Channel Distribution: Amplify your message across platforms
Authority Building Consultation: Expert guidance for growth
Thought Leadership Development: Cultivate your unique perspective in health and wellness
Performance Analysis: Data-driven insights to refine your strategy

Supercharge your authority

Enhance your package with powerful add-ons:

  • Additional blog posts: $250 each
  • Video content creation: Starting at $500 per video
  • Podcast production support: Starting at $350 per episode
  • Speaking engagement preparation: $500 per event

the ultimate growth strategy

Combine the Authority Builder Package with our Local Visibility Package:
10% discount on combined package price
Integrated strategy for local authority building
Unified reporting and performance tracking

Is the Authority Builder
right for you?

This program is perfect for you if:
You’re committed to establishing yourself as the go-to expert in your wellness niche
You understand the power of consistent, high-quality content but struggle to produce it
You want to leverage your expertise to attract and engage your ideal clients online
You’re ready to build a robust digital presence that supports long-term practice growth
You value ethical, client-centered growth strategies

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does it take to see results from the Authority Builder package?

A: While results can vary, most wellness practices start seeing improvements in their online visibility and patient engagement within the first 2-3 months. Significant authority building typically occurs over 6-12 months of consistent effort.

Q: Do I need to be involved in the content creation process?

A: While we handle the bulk of the work, your health expertise is crucial. We’ll have regular check-ins to ensure the content aligns with your voice and wellness philosophy. The more you can collaborate with us, the more authentic and authoritative the content will be.

Q: Can I customize the package to fit my specific needs?

A: Absolutely! We offer various add-ons and can tailor our packages to your unique situation. During our initial strategy session, we’ll discuss your specific health and wellness goals and challenges to create a plan that works best for your practice.

Q: What if I'm not happy with the content produced?

A: Your satisfaction is our priority. We have a revision process in place and will work closely with you to ensure the content meets your standards and effectively represents your expertise.

Q: How does this package differ from just hiring a content writer?

A: The Authority Builder package goes beyond just content writing. We provide a comprehensive strategy that includes SEO optimization, multi-channel distribution, and ongoing analysis and adjustment. Our goal is not just to create content, but to establish and grow your authority in your field.

Q: I'm already creating some content. Can you work with what I have?

A: Definitely! We can assess your existing content and incorporate it into our strategy. We’ll optimize what you have and fill in the gaps to create a comprehensive authority-building plan.

Our commitment to your success

Strategy: We align every piece of content with your business goals
Consistency: We ensure your voice is heard regularly across all platforms
Quality: We produce expert-level content that showcases your authority
Amplification: We maximize the reach and impact of every piece of content
Results: We focus on metrics that matter – engagement, traffic, and conversions

Ready to claim your digital authority?

Take the first step towards transforming your online presence from overlooked to outstanding. Schedule your complimentary strategy session now.
Our mission: Empowering health and wellness practitioners to build authoritative online presences through strategic content creation and distribution, turning expertise into influence and clients into advocates.